Refund indirect export
Do you export products (with more than 50,000 kilos of packaging per calendar year) which you have bought from a Dutch supplier and do you meet the requirements? If so, we offer you the option to ask for a refund for the Packaging Waste Management Fee paid on these goods.

When are you eligible?
The Packaging Waste Management Fee has been paid by your Dutch supplier or further up in the chain. We can refund the fee if it can be proved that this was paid further up in the chain. Note: for this facility a shorter limitation period applies.
You check if your supplier has paid the Packaging Waste Management fee via our List of participants and find out if your supplier makes use of schemes or a sectoral agreement. You then request the refund of the indirect export for the previous calendar year in PackTool, before 1 June. It is important to state specifically for which packaging your supplier might use agreements or schemes. Don’t have a PackTool account? Please get in touch.
Conditions for refund of indirect export
The packaged product has been exported by you in the packaging supplied by your supplier. The Packaging Waste Management Fee has been paid further up in the chain for the products exported by you. You can prove that your administration includes the supplier’s name and address details and Chamber of Commerce particulars, whereby the weights per category of material per supplier are clearly stated.
Note! As of January 1, 2023, the brand owner of a private brand/private label is obligated to contribute and the brand owner must include the weights of the packaging in the file declaration. This means that you cannot claim indirect export on private brand/private label items that you have had produced by a Dutch manufacturer and then export yourself. After all, you have become obligated to contribute for the packaging of these items yourself.